MOP36 Workshop, Side Event,
and Exhibition

United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok
*Please note: registration is required for admission

【1】Workshop on Life-Cycle Refrigerant Management (LRM)

The workshop recordings are available on Ozone Secretariat’s YouTube channel. 


Date & Time

Workshop on Life-Cycle Refrigerant Management (LRM)

Sun. 27 October 2024

Contributions from Japan and the IFL

Session 2 (9:30 - 11:15) Country experiences with life-cycle refrigerant management

Mr. Teruo Kogu, Director, Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy, Ministry of the Environment, Japan will introduce Japan's laws and policies, including Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Act.

▶️YouTube recording
Country experiences with LRM: Japan <from 0:57:00>  download presentation material

Session 4 (16:15 - 17:45) Financing life-cycle refrigerant management

Mr. Makoto Kato, Member, Board of Director, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan/Head of the IFL Secretariat will participate in the panel discussion.

▶️YouTube recording

Meeting information from the Ozone Secretariat

Presentation materials

2】Side Event Seminar
"Connecting stakeholders and creating ecosystems of LRM"


Date & Time

Connecting stakeholders and creating ecosystems of LRM

Thu. 31 October 2024,  13:00 –15:00

Concept Note



Through the Initiative on Fluorocarbons Life cycle management (IFL), the Ministry of the Environment, Japan and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), and other partner governments and international agencies have been promoting relevant actions in developing countries to minimize emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) and Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) from the cooling sector. 

The international momentum to advance life cycle refrigerant management has become higher and higher with several political milestones, such emphasis on accelerated efforts on HFCs and other non-CO2 climate pollutants in the 2023 G7 Climate, Energy and Environment Ministers’ Communiqué, as well as the First Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement, as well as strengthened efforts for life cycle refrigerant management (LRM) in the Global Cooling Pledge, towards strengthening climate change mitigation ambitions

Also, the MOP Decision XXXV/11 triggered more in-depth discussion on LRM relevant with technology, economy, laws & regulations, and social system aspects. The report prepared by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) illustrated these multiple aspects of LRM in a comprehensive manner despite the challenges of the time constraints. With the information resources, the MOP will organize a workshop to provide deeper understanding on key issues relevant with LRM.

This side event is also designed to provide an opportunity for MOP36 participants to learn from practical experiences of Japan implementing the Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons, building upon the precedent legal instruments for more than 2 decades. The event shares recent progress and achievements of developing countries support in introducing LRM. By implementing LRM on the ground, the stakeholders accumulated wisdom and developed network of various actors working in tandem, and an “ecosystem” of LRM has being created. 

The format of talks and activities of the Side Event will include presentations, role play/short skit of LRM, as well as demonstration of electronic tracking system of refrigerant, so that participants can learn the practical aspects of LRM in a lively manner. 

Seminar Recording


Appreciate you for your visit to IFL's exhibition!

Displayed equipment

Recovery Machine

Recovery Cylinder

Leak Detector

 Leakage Detection System

4Media Coverage

Earth Negotiations Bulletin (Operated by the international research institute <IISD>)

CCAC video interview

【5】Photo Gallery

IFL Booth

Discussions, good communications, and renewing friendship

Thank you colleagues for your visit!

See you soon in Baku, Azerbaijan at COP29...

Please contact the secretariat if you would like to know more about our exhibition.